Is OWNER GROUP responsible for goods or services traded in the platform?
Updated September 20, 2019
No, both buyers and sellers are responsible for things traded in OWNER GROUP platform.
Any trade agreed through our platform is between you and the seller. Keep in mind we don't own or stock any items a seller lists. If you have any questions about the things you're trading in our platform, please try messaging the seller.
Please describe the items you're selling clearly and make sure you're following both our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities and community Standards. Also, in certain countries (such as Germany, Austria and Switzerland), people bartering for business purposes are required by law to provide information about their identity, including their name, street address, email, registration number and/or VAT number. If you’re not sure if this requirement applies to you, you may wish to seek the advice of a qualified attorney with local expertise.
Items like animals, drugs, weapons, counterfeits and other items that infringe intellectual property rights are not allowed in OWNER GROUP. Before posting anything for trade, please see our Commerce Policies.
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