There are different ways to create a message:From topbar menu:1. Click on "Messages" icon in top bar menu at any page and then click on "...
There are different ways to create a message:
From topbar menu:1. Click on "Messages" icon in top bar menu at any page and then click on "New Message".
From Messages page:1. Click on "Messages" icon in top bar menu at any page and then click on "See all Messages" and then in the green plus icon
in Messages page.
From Profile page:1. Go to the member’s profile page and click on menu icon below profile picture.
2. Click on "Message" option.
From Directories page:1. Navigate to "Professionals Directory" or "Companies Directory" page.
2. Click on the dropdown menu icon of the member you'd like to send message and then click on "Message" option.
From any page:1. Navigate to any page where you can see the member name or photo.
2. Hover the name or photo of the member you'd like to send message to display the popup and then click on "Message" button.